Help Haitian Children Now

Together, We Help Every Child Become Who They Want to Be

Shining Souls believes that by working together with children, their communities, and our supporters and partners, the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children can be transformed.

Meet Maria. She is the Founder of Shining Souls

After 10 years in the dental field, it was her passion to give back to underprivileged children what started our unforeseen journey. In the fall of 2017 our longed dream became a reality when Donando Sonrisas granted us the opportunity of participating in their dental mission trip. Upon visiting a small forgotten orphanage in the city of Nagua in Haiti, one smile was all it took for her to realize that helping these children was her calling.

We’re On A Mission To Solve Child’s Problems

We are hugely proud of the work we have done in Haiti, but also recognize we have a long way to go. We work in homes, nurseries, schools and communities to narrow the gap between children living in poverty and their better off classmates.

Together We Can Make a Difference 

Together We Can Make a Difference 

Together We Can Make a Difference 

Together We Can Make a Difference 

Together We Can Make a Difference 

Together We Can Make a Difference 

Let's change their world together.

Help us change the future of the children

Join our amazing team of volunteers